Week 13 Biophysics - Energy Medicine and Energy Fields

Acupuncture as an effective energy medicine
When people hear "energy medicine," they often see such themes as "woo-woo," supernatural, or pseudoscience. But everything is matter and energy, and energy cannot always be measured scientific terms. Energy medicine is focused on the balancing of morphogenic fields of the body and the flows of energy between the generators/resonators of these fields, as well as vital energies and fields generated by living cells that make up the living substance o the body. Trauma, physical, emotional, or mental, disrupt the balance of morphogenic fields and vital energies, which is the equivalent of imbalanced yin and yang within the body. Acupuncture is about Qi, life force or energy, and balancing yin and yang. After successful treatment of acupuncture, a patient will improve, be healed, and feel better. Though we are not able to measure how this works in terms of physics, the proof is in the experience of the individual and the effects of the treatment on their energy.

What conclusions can you draw from Kirlian photography?
The photograph is capturing something that we cannot see with the naked eye. That something is a light, a wave, a form of energy. I can conclude that this energy wave is all around us an extends what is tangible. Kirlian photography supports the need of science to have measurable evidence of subtle energies.

Human intent as it affects health
"The biofield is the general control system of the organism that evolves in ontogenic development being based on all the genetic material available at any stage of development and differentiates into subordinate biofields of organs, tissues, and cells." Human intent greatly affects health as the mind and body are not separate. Together, they create the whole which is the person. The will, drive, intent of the human will have a positive or negative affect on the person's health as we are what we believe ourselves to be and we heal as much as we allow ourselves to. Physical ailments that are not physical outside occurrences, such as cancers, can manifest from a mental or emotional issue. Mental blocks can become physical blocks, just as  physical blocks can be unblocked by unblocking our mental blocks. Human intent has everything to do with health and well-being and if the mind doesn't believe it will get back, how can it expect to get better?


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